Sunday 12 June 2016

tukar sekolah

Segala-galanya seharusnya berubah apabila berada di tempat yang lain,mahu atau tidaaqaku harus meneruskan pembelajaran di tempat yang ku pilih. Semoga ia adalah suatu pilihan yang tepat untukku. Mahu ku ungkapkan kepada dia agar jangan terusmmendesakku. 😌


Wednesday 1 June 2016

Handphoneku xtau nk ckp dh fed up...😑😑..hp aq hang nk ******!!!

Monday 30 May 2016

How to get a better night's sleep..

    Having adequate sleep is essential to good health. To induce sleep,one needs to create a relaxing enviroment. Use the bedroom for sleeping only. Fix a sleep routine even if you have a busy schedule. Do not waver from the rountine but adjust your schedule untill sleeps come naturally. Taking food and beverages before bed can cause stomach upsets and raise your energy level. If you need to,stay with light snacks and avoid stimulants. Herbal teas are relaxing and can stimulate sleep. They should be taken only as directed. Warm milk is also helpful. A short 20-minutes afternoon nap is encouraged. Long nap will affect one's sleep at night. Set aside one's worries and thoughts of work before going to bed. If sleeplessness persists,go for a medical check-up.

*hope this is a good advice to you 😊

Saturday 16 April 2016

Azan berkumandang

.....................panggilan kekasih abadi:-)

.........................blur...anti couple..

Aq xske tgk org kapel...baik ko kwin laa...buang mse jer...tergedik2:-)


Hari ni:-):-):-):-)..manusio..nmo ammar hafiz...teking aq...ap hal ...........sorry bro..:-)aq bkn nyo krah plo sngt..kecek molep arr:-)

Friday 8 April 2016


Aq...stiap kli nk p asrama ..mesti jd kilang mukus...sbb aq xnk tinggal mak n ayh ap bleh buat....asrama yg terbaik...walaupun mom behind me ...mcm mne nk cover air mte ni